2nd blog - update
sorry, lots of time went by without new update. but here it comes.
i'll try to post the news in chronological order.
day ends with recognizing andreas' message on my handy mailbox containing "hey, book our flight. I just called to ms. Heiser and she told me, that she received our invitations of the PUCPR." great. we already worried about, that the whole project could fail on the missing invitation. so we now can mind for the visa and an one-way tickets to curitiba. problem: in brazil lectures starts on august 1st. but we have exams till july 26th. not many time inbetween.
... time is running, but it's going ahead.
111 days left, so ... there are some more news for ya.
my portuguese resp. brazilian language skills are improving.though i think, it won't be adequate. we will see. :) at least i ticked off "fair language skills" in the international student application form of the pucpr. damn. the sickness funds are not going to pay anything for my vaccinations. so i have to pay them myself. that's about 200 euro only for the hepatitis stuff.the malaria preventions pills costs about 50 euro per 8 pills. :)) i should consider of not going into the jungle. :)
just were in the travel agency and got us the tickets to curitiba. strange but likely nice route we got. 27.7. we start over for about 687.- p.p. here the connections:
frankfurt -> madrid
madrid -> barcelona
barcelona -> sao paulo
sao paulo -> curitiba
complete time beeing on the way ? 26 hours :)

today we got handed out the invitation of the pucpr. so now we can apply for the visa needed to study and work there.

found out, that there are 2 more guys going to brazil. mirco and paul will join us and also study for one semester in curitiba. meet them one day later at the tbh and had some kicker matches. we win. :) but, they're quite nice.
andreas and i went to 'heike' getting the hepatitis a+b imunization. though the disaffirmation of our health assurance agencies, in topics of taking care of expenses, heike declared us as some kind of risk person to get the vaccination for free.
beeing at stuttgart visiting the canstatter fruehlingsfest with bekim and corinna allows me going to the 'landratsamt' bother for the international drivers license. 16.50 euro, but immediately handed out.
unfortunately it contains the words "the license loses its validity in each country, the owner gets a domicile." so we'll see, whether we have to apply for an brazil drivers license over there.

today i got mail. :) it's from bonn. :) nice work. the authorities only needed 8 days to send me my 'polizeiliches fuehrungszeugnis'. here it is.

10.5.2005 went to mrs. heiser and handed in some more papers about the fellowship contract and the learning agreement. mrs. heiser told us, that we completely approved for the fellowship. yeah !
later on ...
after beeing ill 2 days ago, i'm feeling fit again to get my 'gelbfieber' imunization today. andreas predicts that the doc, i am going to visit, is a charlatan, but fortunately he was wrong. paid about 30 euro inkl. 10 euro consultation. aeh? wich consultation? i think i missed it. but, remember, the doc gave me two copies of info of brazil. great consultation. :)
beeing at heike again, getting more imunization stuff. today on the plan: polio, diphterie and tetanus. more to tick off from the todo-list. still missing the typhus and the next one of the hepatitis shot (both intended on june, 2nd).
that's enough update for today. 74 days left, so stay blogged.
greetz, stefan
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